Todd Danielson, Informed Infrastructure's editorial director, interviewed Frances Yarbrough, civil engineer and director of the SeamonWhiteside (SW+) Charlotte office, via webcam.
How Technology Is Reshaping Solar-Panel Infrastructure
The Indianapolis International Airport is home to the largest airport-based solar farm in the world. The area in green shows the solar farm. Solar power…
Change Leader: Prioritize Resilient Design, Especially in Hurricane-Prone Areas
In hurricane-prone areas, prioritizing resilient design features such as reinforced structures, stormwater management systems and backup power solutions…
From the Editor: Finding the Many Faces of Sustainability
“Sustainable Engineering” is the focus of Informed Infrastructure this issue. A general definition of sustainable engineering is designing and operating systems in a manner that the social and environmental impacts are minimized and yet…
Future Forward: Raise the Roof with More-Sustainable Materials to Bring Down Carbon Emissions
The built environment already is responsible for almost 40 percent of global carbon emissions, according to the UN Environment Programme, and the problem grows larger every day—in fact, the world adds buildings equivalent to the size of Paris every five…
Raising Charleston’s Low Battery Seawall to Stem the Tide of Rising Sea Levels
A photo shows in-progress construction to raise the height of the Low Battery seawall in Charleston, S.C., by approximately 2 feet with options to extend the front part of the wall even higher to better accommodate the U.S. Army Corps’ vulnerability study…
A Good Neighbor: Treasure Island Looks Toward the Horizon Once Again
Sitting mid-way between San Francisco and Oakland, Treasure Island promises a return to glory as the Magic City in the bay. To get there, SFPUC sets the stage for success with a state-of-the-art Resource Recovery Facility that rethinks everything from nutrient…
Building for Tomorrow: The Crucial Role of Renewable Energy Infrastructure Projects
Infrastructure forms the backbone of our society. Yet, as the years pass, infrastructure in the United States has been showing signs of wear and tear. As the world faces economic hardships and the challenges of climate change, it becomes increasingly apparent…
Digital Twins Add Value for Owners Across the Project Lifecycle
Reality-capture technology provides architects and design teams with increased accuracy at the start of a construction project. When discussing the nation’s infrastructure and its need for revitalization, the conversation must focus on the role of technology,…
Transportation Troubleshooting: Before Buying Buses: Preparing for a Net Zero Fleet
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – President John F. Kennedy, Sept. 12, 1962 When President Kennedy famously made this declaration, many detractors scoffed at…