Dan Juntunen Elected Chairman of Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
CHICAGO – Members of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) have elected Dan Juntunen as their 2017 chairman. Juntunen is President/CEO of Wells Concrete, Albany, Minn.
“Dan brings a wealth of financial and business acumen to the role of PCI chairman and we are fortunate to be able to benefit from his leadership,” said Bob Risser, PE, PCI’s president and chief executive officer. “We look forward to his guidance as we move ahead with our goals of growing the precast concrete industry through communication and collaboration.”
Juntunen joined Wells Concrete in March 2007 as Chief Financial Officer where he was responsible for the company’s corporate services, which include financial reporting, taxes and treasury, investment planning and financial analysis, human resources, and information technology. He has served on the Mayo Health Systems Board of Trustees and in various capacities with United Way, Riverland Community College, and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. Juntunen holds a Bachelor of Accountancy degree from the University of North Dakota and is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive). He was named President/CEO for Wells Concrete in January 2011. In this position, Juntunen is responsible for all phases of the organization, which include four production facilities.
“My theme as PCI Chairman is Growing the Industry Through Communication and Collaboration,” said Juntunen. “What I most look forward to in serving as PCI Chairman is the opportunity to make a difference in the industry, the knowledge I’m gaining from interacting with others in the industry and the friendships that are formed through the process. There are so many nice, interesting people in this industry and I enjoy becoming a bigger part of it.”
In addition to Juntunen’s appointment, two other officers were elected to the 2017 PCI Board of Directors: Mason H. Lampton, Standard Concrete Products, Inc., was elected vice chairman; and Keith Wallis, Prestressed Casting Co., was elected secretary-treasurer.
The following individuals complete the slate of PCI’s 2017 Board of Directors: Todd Adams, JVI Inc.; Millard Barney, Concrete Technology Corporation; Daniel Bible, Molin Concrete Products Company; Ned Cleland, Blue Ridge Design Inc.; J. Matt DeVoss, Jackson Precast; Dennis Fink, Northeast Prestressed Products, LLC; Gregory Gibbons, Gibbons Erectors Inc.; R. Jon Grafton, Oldcastle Precast; Daniel Kennedy, Sidley Precast Group, A Division of R.W. Sidley Inc.; David Larsen, Unity Design Inc.; Joe Lombard, Lombard Architectural Precast Products Company; Mark McKeny, Coreslab Structures (TAMPA) Inc.; Richard Miller, University of Cincinnati; Jeff Moehle, MPC Enterprises Inc.; Monty Oehrlein, Coreslab Structures (TEXAS) Inc.; Michael Paris, Ross Bryan Associates Inc.; Gary Pooley, Wells Concrete – Maple Grove; John Seroky, High Concrete Group LLC; Bob Sheehan, BASF Corporation; Joel Sheets, Tindall Corporation, South Carolina Division; Christopher Speck, Oldcastle Precast; Glen Switzer, Dura-Stress Inc.; Kimberly Wacker, Spancrete; Lee Wegner, Forterra Structural Precast (Salt Lake City); Gary Wildung, FDG Inc.; and Bradley Williams, Clark Pacific – Fontana.
About PCI
The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) is the technical institute and trade association for the precast concrete structures industry. PCI develops, maintains, and disseminates the Body of Knowledge for designing, fabricating, and constructing precast concrete structures. PCI provides technical resources, certification for companies and individuals, continuing education, and much more.
PCI members include precast concrete manufacturers, companies that provide products and services to the industry, precast concrete erectors, and individual members such as architects, consultants, contractors, developers, educators, engineers, materials suppliers, service providers, and students. For more information, visit www.pci.org.