MoDOT Now Offering Apprenticeship Program
JEFFERSON CITY – Individuals looking for a career in maintenance with the Missouri Department of Transportation can now take advantage of an apprenticeship program that provides maintenance employees with on-the-job training combined with related classroom instruction, all while earning a paycheck. The program is also available to current MoDOT employees.
The U.S. Department of Labor-Missouri Office of Apprenticeship recently recognized MoDOT’s existing employee training programs as meeting the requirements for the federal apprenticeship program.
“The good news for all employees, both current and new hires, is that they will earn a Completion of Registered Apprenticeship certificate provided by the U.S. Department of Labor once they finish the program,” said Natalie Roark, MoDOT’s state maintenance director. “These certificates are nationally recognized credentials that validate proficiency in an apprenticeship occupation.”
In the future, Roark said, MoDOT maintenance employees may have the potential to earn college credit for training provided to them on the job. MoDOT has begun to explore partnerships with community colleges throughout the state to structure a program to provide college credit based on its existing training curriculum. In addition, veterans who qualify for GI Bill benefits and are enrolled in the apprenticeship program may receive a monthly stipend in addition to their MoDOT wages. The stipend is paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
“This new program provides an additional recruitment and retention tool for us,” said Brandon Anderson, MoDOT senior employee development specialist. “We’re pleased to be able to offer it to both potential and current employees.”
New employees can sign up for the apprenticeship program upon completion of a six-month probationary period. The program is available for those with both veteran and non-veteran status.
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