/ Category / autodesk

A ‘First-Timer’ Recaps Autodesk University 2013

December 6, 2013 - in Event Coverage, Featured, Modeling, Simulation

I’ve only been working with Informed Infrastructure and Vector1 Media for a short while, but I’ve been in the geospatial technology industry for 17 years. So it’s a bit surprising that I’ve never been to an Autodesk University event. And although I’ve…

Get Recognized as a Leader in Transforming the World’s Infrastructure

March 14, 2013 - in Announcement, Corporate

infrastructure-excellence.com is hosting the 2nd annual competition showcasing Excellence in Infrastructure. The winners will be given over $10,000 in…

Roadway Sensors Provide Real-Time and Historic Data

August 9, 2012 - in Featured, Interview, Transportation

Robert Bray is a senior software architect at Autodesk, Inc., a computer aided design firm that readers may have heard about. He recently sat down with…