/ Category / Transportation

How Broadband Mapping Drives Economic Development and Planning Initiatives

January 8, 2014 - in Analysis, Feature, Featured, Roads, Transit

While an internet connection has become a daily fixture in the life of most Americans, lack of access to high-speed internet service, also known as broadband, is still putting portions of the country at a disadvantage. Connected Nation, a national non-profit…

Cites Embrace a More Energy Efficient Future Mobility

March 14, 2013 - in Transportation

At this year's international public transport fair UITP in Geneva, Switzerland, Siemens will be showing the latest developments for integrated, resource-conserving,…

Smarter Driving Key to Sustainable Transportation Planning

November 26, 2012 - in Feature, Featured, Transportation

In the popular mind, smarter, greener, and more sustainable transportation is generally equated with mega-projects like high speed rail, light rail, long…

Roadway Sensors Provide Real-Time and Historic Data

August 9, 2012 - in Featured, Interview, Transportation

Robert Bray is a senior software architect at Autodesk, Inc., a computer aided design firm that readers may have heard about. He recently sat down with Informed Infrastructure to discuss his view of sensored roadways, and the uses of the information they develop.…