/ Awards / DuPont Ion Exchange Resin for Green Hydrogen Production Wins 2024 Sustainability Product of the Year

DuPont Ion Exchange Resin for Green Hydrogen Production Wins 2024 Sustainability Product of the Year

Parul Dubey on August 13, 2024 - in Awards, News, Products

DuPont AmberLite™ P2X110 Ion Exchange Resin, designed to optimize electrolyzer operation in green hydrogen production, honored by Business Intelligence Group

WILMINGTON, Del.  – DuPont (NYSE:DD) announced that the AmberLite™ P2X110 ion exchange resin, its first product dedicated to the production of green hydrogen, was honored with a 2024 Business Intelligence Group Sustainability Award. The AmberLite™ P2X110 ion exchange resin is designed to withstand the unique challenges of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer recirculation loops during the production of hydrogen from water.

“We’re proud to be recognized with a Sustainability Product of the Year award for our innovative ion exchange resin dedicated to green hydrogen production,” said Jeroen Bloemhard, Vice President and General Manager, DuPont Water Solutions. “Leveraging our water purification expertise to help produce renewable energy for our global decarbonization goals is a win-win for our customers and society.”

Green hydrogen is produced from water by renewable energy-powered electrolysis, where water molecules are electrically split into hydrogen and oxygen gas—resulting in minimal greenhouse gas emissions. The AmberLite™ P2X110 ion exchange resin is designed for the unique water chemistry of PEM electrolyzers to help produce high-purity water while offering long service time and durability.

“The role of water treatment and purification will be critical as the global pursuit of renewable energy and mobility continues to accelerate,” said Verónica Garcia Molina, Global Marketing Leader, Industrial Water & Energy, DuPont Water Solutions. “This award is a tremendous recognition of our best-in-class R&D and technical teams’ efforts as they pioneer innovations that help meet the world’s growing water and energy demands.”

DuPont offers market-leading technologies to address a variety of challenges faced by water treatment municipalities, seawater desalination plants, and industrial water users, including the microelectronics industry, through a broad portfolio of membranes, resins and complete systems.

The team is also innovating solutions that helps balance the world’s growing water and energy demands, with products that help maximize the availability of electricity, lithium and green hydrogen. 

Technologies include reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, ion exchange resins (IEX), ultrafiltration (UF), electrodeionization (EDI), nanofiltration (NF), membrane bioreactor systems (MBR), membrane aerated biofilm reactors (MABR), and closed-circuit reverse osmosis (CCRO) systems.

In 2023, DuPont Water Solutions was named Water Technology Company of the Year, presented at the Global Water Awards, for innovating solutions to sustainably address the hardest global water challenges.


DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, SM or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted.

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