/ News / NARUC Executive Director Greg R. White Announces Retirement

NARUC Executive Director Greg R. White Announces Retirement

Parul Dubey on April 16, 2024 - in News, People

WASHINGTON (April 15, 2024) — National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Executive Director Greg R. White today has announced plans to retire at the end of 2024. White assumed his position with NARUC in December 2015.

During his tenure, White has been instrumental in elevating the Association’s national position as the voice of state regulators through increased partnerships, expanded grant-funded resources, streamlined operations and unparalleled national meetings. He also served as the executive director of the National Regulatory Research Institute.

“It’s been an amazing honor to serve the hard-working members of NARUC. State utility commissioners have exceptionally difficult jobs. They truly exemplify what it means to be ’public servants.’ My tenure at NARUC has been greatly enhanced by excellent executive and board leadership, and members who are actively supportive and engaged, for which I am forever grateful.

“It’s been my greatest privilege to work alongside the incredibly talented and dedicated staff at NARUC, both past and present, including the team at NRRI. They are simply the best and I thank them all.”

“Greg White has made an indelible impression on the Association,” said NARUC President Julie Fedorchak of North Dakota. “He has led NARUC through periods of change and saw us through the pandemic. He has been an excellent partner to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. He has rightfully earned the respect of commissioners and staff alike, along with consumer advocates and members of industry. On behalf of NARUC members throughout the country, I thank Greg for his devoted service. We wish him the very best in retirement!”

NARUC has engaged the firm, Lyceum Leadership Consulting, to conduct the search for a new Executive Director. The detailed role specification can be accessed through this link to Lyceum’s private webpage: https://www.leadershiplyceum.com/naruc-executive-director.

Qualified candidates should submit their current resume/CV and cover letter to Eela Javid, Engagement Manager, at [email protected]. Please reference “NARUC Executive Director” in the subject line.

All submissions must be received by Friday, May 17, 2024, for consideration.



NARUC is a non-profit organization founded in 1889 whose members include the governmental agencies that are engaged in the regulation of utilities and carriers in the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. NARUC’s member agencies regulate telecommunications, energy, and water utilities. NARUC represents the interests of state public utility commissions before the three branches of the federal government.

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