/ Trends / December 2019 Trends

December 2019 Trends

Parul Dubey on December 16, 2019 - in Trends

In this section, Informed Infrastructure compiles infographics from trusted sources that reveal insight on infrastructure spending. We also compile some of the top infrastructure stories that shouldn’t be missed. For ongoing news coverage, turn to Informed Infrastructure online (www.informedinfrastructure.com), our Twitter feed (@IInfrastructure) and our weekly e-newsletter.

A one-month continuing resolution (CR) that extends federal government funding through Dec. 20, 2019, also contained a provision that repealed a $7.6 billion rescission of federal-aid highway contract authority—a cut originally mandated by the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act to occur in 2020.

The House of Representatives passed the CR by a vote of 231 to 192 on November 18, followed on November 21 by passage in the Senate by a vote of 74 to 20 and signed hours later by President Trump.

A new report from the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy projects that shifting short trips from driving to walking and biking via connected active-transportation infrastructure could help generate a return on investment of $73 billion to $138 billion per year in the United States if connected to public transit systems. Read the full report at bit.ly/2OE5C2h.

A new joint study conducted by the American Public Transportation Association and the National Association of Realtors found that the median sale price for commercial and residential properties located within a half-mile of public transit services were four to 24 percentage points higher compared to properties in residential areas farther from public transit.

The report examined real estate prices in seven U.S. metropolitan regions that offered access to heavy rail, light rail, commuter rail and bus rapid transit: Boston; Eugene, Ore.; Hartford, Conn.; Los Angeles; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Phoenix; and Seattle. Read the full 56-page study at bit.ly/2sbPvS4.

The following are the top stories from the last few months (in terms of traffic) on the Informed Infrastructure website. This also reflects key coverage areas that are regularly refreshed online and via our weekly e-newsletter. Simply search key words on Informed Infrastructure online to find the full story.




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