/ Water / Cardno Experts Assisting Clients to Predict and Plan the Lifespan of their Assets

Cardno Experts Assisting Clients to Predict and Plan the Lifespan of their Assets

Parul Dubey on September 1, 2016 - in Water

Do you know how you’ll be feeling in 5, 30 or potentially 100 years’ time? Cardno experts assist clients every day in predicting the estimated condition, performance and investment needs for renewal or upgrade to meet organisational objectives of any particular asset over any given time period.

With water utilities being continually challenged to provide increased service at a lower cost, understanding future expenditure requirements to upgrade, renew, refurbish and replace assets is essential. Cardno’s asset management experts have worked with water businesses to understand their future expenditure needs by:


  • Assessing stakeholder requirements and asset (including non-asset) strategies to meet these requirements into the future
  • Assessing infrastructure condition and performance. In recognition of our industry leading capability in this area, Cardno authored the Condition Assessment and Asset Performance Guidelines Practice Note on behalf of the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasia (http://www.ipwea.org/publications/bookshop/ipweabookshop/practicenotes/practicenote7)
  • Determining the criticality of assets to maintaining service delivery
  • Using our multi-disciplinary expertise to determine appropriate asset renewal and replacement strategies having regard to the latest developments in technology, and to provide reliable cost estimates for these activities.
We have developed user-friendly, customisable analytical tools that interface with utility asset databases to make risk-based renewals forecasting simple, repeatable and based on all available data. Interested in knowing more? Get in contact with our Asset Management Discipline Leader Aneurin Hughes at [email protected] or make a time to meet with Aneurin at the International Water Association World Water Congress in Brisbane, Australia this October.

Aneurin has been assisting asset owners for more than 35 years to increase the value realised from their assets. A regular maintenance and asset renewal program over these 35 years means that Aneurin maintains his passion for seeing water utilities do more with less. Aneurin has authored government policy, industry guidelines and presented more than 50 conference papers in the asset management.

For more information: Asset Strategies Brochure

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