Matern Professional Engineering proudly turns 40, marking four decades of shaping the future through groundbreaking engineering solutions. Since its humble beginnings in 1984, fueled by a passion for excellence and innovation, Matern has become a thriving…

Woolpert Welcomes Ryan Thomas as Program Director for Energy Market
Thomas has an extensive background in the power and utilities industries, with a focus on renewable energy. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Woolpert has hired Ryan…

WSP USA Projects Recognized in America’s Transportation Awards Top 12
Of the firm’s projects selected for awards at the regional level, four are being considered for national honors. NEW YORK — WSP USA, a leading…

LA Metro Turns to Gannett Fleming to Lead Major Rail Line as Part of Twenty-Eight by ’28 Project
Light Rail Service Coming to Congested San Fernando Valley As the prime consultant, Gannett Fleming will provide Metro with professional engineering services for this new light rail line, which involves 14 at-grade stations with an end-to-end travel time of…

Video: AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications Explained
Burak Boyaci, P.E., Product Manager for LEAP Bridge Steel at Bentley Systems, takes time to speak with Informed Infrastructure about updates to the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications, including the field splice design approach and other aspects.

Erosion Control Product Specifications Made Easy
Two free, online resources are available to help engineers and specifiers select the most appropriate, site-specific products for erosion control and vegetation establishment. Michael Robeson, Ph.D., PE, CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI, outlines why the most frequently…

Haiti: Eight Years After
Miyamoto International created a video of the eight-year anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti, describing improvements that have been made to make the new buildings (and people) more earthquake resistant.

ReEngineering the Engineer: Making Way for the Future
Like many others, my firm had a very busy 2017. We were fortunate to pick up a couple new clients at the beginning of the year, and that led to additional projects and a workload that caught us a little by surprise. We didn’t realize the pent-up demand for…

From the Editor: There’s No Replacement for ‘Learning by Doing’
I recently visited a job site of a friend of mine who is a construction manager. I met with him to discuss the use of emerging drone and reality-capture technologies, but I ended up tagging along as he crisscrossed the site, solving one problem after another.…