CHICAGO - A draft of the next edition of the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 360) is now available for public review and comment. The next edition of AISC 360 will supersede the 2022 version and is anticipated to be published as a 2027…

Next Edition Standard for Certification Programs Available for Comment
CHICAGO - A draft of the next edition of the AISC Standard for Certification Programs (AISC 207) is now available for public review and comment. …

SOM-Led Team to Write Forthcoming AISC Sustainability Design Guide
CHICAGO - Designers looking for a one-stop shop for sustainable design will soon have a fantastic resource--written by true experts. The American Institute…

UT Austin’s Karl H. Frank to Receive Top Educator Honor
CHICAGO - Professor Emeritus Karl H. Frank, PE, PhD, became a legend during his 36 years at the University of Texas at Austin--and his impact continues today. That’s just one reason the American Institute of Steel Construction is proud to present him its…

Payette’s Parke MacDowell, AIA, Joins 2025 Forge Prize Jury
CHICAGO - Parke MacDowell, AIA, sits at the intersection of architectural practice and fabrication--right where people who design innovative structures meet the people who know how to put them together in the real world. Also at that intersection? The American…

Emily Baker of University of Arkansas to Judge 2025 Forge Prize
CHICAGO - The American Institute of Steel Construction’s Forge Prize is looking for groundbreaking ideas--and Emily Baker is particularly well qualified to help find them. Baker is an inventor, fabricator, architect, and associate professor of…

AISC Applauds Senators Baldwin, Brown for Supporting Domestic Steel Industry
CHICAGO - Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) are urging the Biden administration to close loopholes in the Section 232 steel tariff program that is designed to ensure a level playing field for America’s structural steel production and…

AISC Seeks Outstanding Researcher–Milek Fellowship Award Grows to $300,000 for 2025
CHICAGO - Right now, up-and-coming researchers across the country are discovering tomorrow’s innovations. They keep steel on the cutting edge, and AISC wants to make a remarkable researcher the 2025 Milek Fellow. Since 2004, AISC has given a promising non-tenured…

AISC Launches Fabricator Sustainability Program to Drive Green Projects
CHICAGO - The American Institute of Steel Construction’s new Sustainability Partner Program is a win for specifiers, fabricators, and--of course!--the environment. “Few people recognize that structural steel fabricators are the key player for a project’s…

Three Bold Architectural Visions Face Off Live on YouTube– With $10,000 at Stake!
What: The final round of the American Institute of Steel Construction’s Forge Prize, in which the three finalists will present their refined concepts to the judges live on AISC’s YouTube channel. The judges will then deliberate and announce the winner…