/ News / HDR Employees Across North America Recognized by WTS for Steadfast Support of Women in Transportation

HDR Employees Across North America Recognized by WTS for Steadfast Support of Women in Transportation

Parul Dubey on March 30, 2022 - in News, People

OMAHA, Neb. Three HDR employees have been honored with top awards from their local WTS chapters for their support of women in the transportation industry. Raven Gambrell, Michael Book and Rob Berman have been singled out by their local WTS chapters for the impact they’ve made in their regions.


Raven Gambrell
Raven Gambrell


A founding member of WTS South Carolina, Columbia Office Principal and Senior Project Manager Raven Gambrell was named the chapter’s Member of the Year. The chapter is a direct result of Gambrell’s passion, and she served a two-year term as the first chapter president. Under Gambrell’s leadership, membership grew to over 80 people and 28 sponsors in under three years. She is now eligible for the national award, which will be announced at WTS International’s annual conference in May.

Two others from HDR received the Honorable Ray LaHood Award from their local chapters. This recognition is given to a man who seeks out opportunities to advance and advocate for women in his own organization, and who actively contributes toward the advancement of women and minorities in the transportation field.


Michael Book
Michael Book


Senior strategic communications specialist Michael Book was honored by the WTS Phoenix chapter. Book created the WTS Phoenix chapter’s Transportation YOU program and has managed it for over five years. The program encourages interest in transportation careers from high-school-age girls.


Rob Berman
Rob Berman


And Washington Area Operations Manager Rob Berman was honored by his local Puget Sound, Washington, chapter. A longtime supporter of WTS throughout his 33-year career, Berman is well-known for his committed advocacy and support of women within HDR and in the industry.

As chapter-level Honorable Ray LaHood awardees, Book and Berman are now eligible to receive the national award.

“Each recognition speaks to the dedication our professionals have to the advancement of women’s careers in transportation, as well as to paving the way for a more equitable and diverse industry overall,” said Transportation Client Development Director Christi Skinner, director-at-large for the WTS Foundation. “I look forward to seeing the continued educational and mentorship participation by our employees involved with this important industry organization.”

More than 250 HDR employees participate in WTS chapters across North America, with nearly 50 serving in leadership positions.

About HDR  

For over a century, HDR has partnered with clients to shape communities and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Our expertise spans more than 11,000 employees in more than 200 locations around the world — and counting. Our engineering, architecture, environmental and construction services bring an impressive breadth of knowledge to every project. Our optimistic approach to finding innovative solutions defined our past and drives our future. For more information, please visit www.hdrinc.com.

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