/ News / Microvi MNE Solution to Restore Billions of Gallons of Drinking Water in California at Cucamonga Valley Water District

Microvi MNE Solution to Restore Billions of Gallons of Drinking Water in California at Cucamonga Valley Water District

Parul Dubey on November 29, 2018 - in News, Water

HAYWARD, Calif. – Microvi Biotech Inc. (Microvi) announced today that Microvi MNE was selected to treat nitrate for the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD) in Rancho Cucamonga, California. A contract was awarded to WesTech Engineering Inc. (WesTech) to design and build a full-scale groundwater nitrate treatment solution, featuring the breakthrough Microvi MNE™ technology.

The multi-million-dollar turnkey project, to be completed in Fall 2019, will reduce nitrate contamination without producing a significant waste stream allowing CVWD to cost effectively restore production from a critical groundwater resource. The full-scale system has the potential to provide over 2 billion gallons of clean drinking water annually by bringing three wells back online.

Ensuring a reliable and robust water supply is critical in the Rancho Cucamonga region, where economic investment and population growth continue to thrive.

CVWD awarded the contract to WesTech after a thorough evaluation of Microvi MNE as the best candidate to meet rigorous technical requirements and an aggressive timeline. Key areas assessed by the District include lifecycle costs, ease of operation, robustness and the lack of secondary waste production.

“We have concluded the WesTech Microvi MNE technology is the right solution to advance our commitment to maximize local water resources in a cost-effective, sustainable manner,” said John Bosler, Assistant General Manager of CVWD.

“Nitrate is one of the world’s leading groundwater pollutants,” said Dr. Fatemeh Shirazi, CEO and CTO of Microvi. “Microvi MNE provides a sustainable alternative to decades-old technologies which produce a significant waste stream—this means we can enable more communities to access clean water, equitably and affordably.”

“WesTech’s 45 years of expertise in water and wastewater solutions engineering and equipment design, along with experience providing turnkey solutions, allows us to eliminate unnecessary steps and move forward on time and within budget,” said Rex Plaizier, CEO of WesTech. “Using the Microvi MNE process, the new facility should have a 98.5% water recovery rate from the wells resulting in a very low 20-year life-cycle cost for the District.”

Microvi MNE is approved by the California Division of Drinking Water and has received NSF/ANSI61 consumer safety certification for use in treating drinking water. Microvi’s technologies have been implemented in the U.S., Australia, and the U.K. for drinking water, municipal wastewater, and industrial applications. 

About the Alliance
An alliance between WesTech Engineering, a seasoned industry leader in water and wastewater solutions, and Microvi, a cutting-edge green technology company, offers customers next generation biological treatment solutions.

Microvi offers commercial technologies around the world to reduce waste, increase productivity, and provide disruptive economics for the water, wastewater, and renewable chemical industries. WesTech is an employee-owned company, founded in 1973, with over 500 employees worldwide. The company offers upstream and downstream technologies, process control, customized integration, and customer support of the Microvi MNE solution.

Read more about Microvi MNE at http://www.westech-inc.com/microvi-mne 
Read about the Microvi technology: www.microvi.com

About the Cucamonga Valley Water District
CVWD is a dynamic organization with a mission of providing high quality, safe and reliable water and wastewater services, while practicing good stewardship of natural and financial resources. CVWD is one of the leading retail water providers in the region, which can be attributed to its innovation and leadership in addressing regional and statewide water issues. CVWD supports the needs of nearly 200,000 people in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, portions of the cities of Fontana, Ontario, and Upland, and some unincorporated San Bernardino County. For information about CVWD, visit CVWDwater.com.

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