/ Announcement / Pulling water out of the air — First International Atmospheric Water Harvesting Summit

Pulling water out of the air — First International Atmospheric Water Harvesting Summit

Parul Dubey on February 5, 2024 - in Announcement, Events

ASU hosting First International Atmospheric Water Harvesting Summit

As America’s Southwest grapples with severe drought, the region serves as a focal point for discussions of related environmental, economic and social challenges. Efforts to mitigate these impacts of drought include the development of technological solutions such as atmospheric water harvesting (AWH)—literally pulling water out of the air.

Multiple industry sectors (beverages, healthcare, semiconductors, data centers) are investing in research, pilot tests and the integration of AWH into their water portfolio to achieve net-zero water footprints. Municipalities are also exploring AWH applications in cooling towers to replace water-intensive evaporative technologies. Even individual homeowners are considering AWH for drinking water.

Beyond the American Southwest, AWH is emerging as a means to address domestic, industrial, military and humanitarian water needs around the world. But technical issues impeding AWH include rates of production, energy efficiency, climatic impact, the influence of air quality on water, and how to scale up innovations for large operations.

To encourage collaboration in resolving these issues, Arizona State University is hosting the First Atmospheric Water Harvesting Summit on February 8-9, 2024. The event will convene a diverse array of experts from around the world to discuss emerging opportunities for AWH applications as well as materials and processes driving new AWH technologies.

The summit will be held at ASU’s Memorial Union in Tempe, Arizona. Attendee check-in opens at 11:00am and programming begins at 12:45pm. Media are welcome.

Event details can be viewed here: https://specialevents.asu.edu/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=783464&

Learn more from an ASU faculty expert: Paul Westerhoff

Faith Kearns, Director of Research Communications,
Arizona Water Innovation Initiative
Email: [email protected]

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