/ Awards / NTMWD Honored with Exemplary Source Water Protection Award

NTMWD Honored with Exemplary Source Water Protection Award

Parul Dubey on July 5, 2023 - in Awards, News

Photo caption: (from left to right) Joe Jacangelo, AWWA President; Zeke Campbell, NTMWD Assistant Deputy Water Treatment and Conveyance; and David LaFrance, AWWA CEO.


Award for large source water systems in North America presented by the American Water Works Association

Wylie, TX – The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) was recognized by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) as the recipient of its 2023 Exemplary Source Water Protection Award for Large Water Systems. This prestigious honor acknowledges organizations in North America that have successfully developed and are implementing exemplary source water protection programs. The award was presented during the AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition in Toronto, Canada, which took place June 11-14, 2023.

“Protecting source water is only the first step in water treatment,” said Zeke Campbell, NTMWD Assistant Deputy for Water Treatment and Conveyance, who accepted the award on the District’s behalf. “It is vital to our mission to provide high quality, dependable service, and it provides the added benefit of clean water for recreation and wildlife.”

Recipients of the award must meet specific criteria outlined in the AWWA Standard for Source Water Protection, which provides technical standards and guidelines for protecting and preserving the quality of water sources used for drinking water. The criteria include source water characterization; source water protection goals; source water protection action plans; implementation; and periodic evaluation and revision of the program.

To help fulfill its source water protection goals, NTMWD characterized land uses and potential sources of pollution around Lavon Lake and Bois d’Arc Lake, two of their major water sources. Watershed protection plans were developed in close coordination with local stakeholders who work across multiple jurisdictions within each watershed.

“The plans provide a roadmap to reducing pollutants and protecting water quality in the rapidly growing region,” said David Cowan, NTMWD Watershed Manager. “Working closely with local stakeholders, state agencies, and regional partners, we help ensure residents and businesses in NTMWD’s service area have access to safe, reliable water supplies now and for future generations.”

Protecting source water involves monitoring to determine how water quality changes over time and modeling to estimate pollutant loads. Implementation projects such as those outlined in the Lavon Lake and Bois d’Arc Lake watershed protection plans help slow erosion and reduce pollutant loading in the lakes. Projects such as tree planting along eroded streams and installing low-impact development features in McKinney and Wylie help improve water quality by reducing stormwater pollution.

To learn more about NTMWD’s efforts to protect our source water and how we can all do our part to ensure safe, high-quality drinking water around the clock, visit www.NTMWD.com/watershed.


The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) was created in 1951 as a special district of the state. Today, NTMWD is a regional wholesale provider of water, wastewater, and solid waste disposal services across ten counties – a service territory covering 2,200 square miles. NTMWD serves over two million residents with drinking water, more than 1.4 million people with wastewater collection and treatment, and about 930,000 people with solid waste management services.


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