/ News / The Structural Engineering Institute appoints Jennifer Carey to help set new solar industry standards

The Structural Engineering Institute appoints Jennifer Carey to help set new solar industry standards

Parul Dubey on May 17, 2023 - in News, People

ArcVera Renewables  confirms the appointment of Jennifer Carey to the design standards board of the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE/SEI).

Jennifer Carey is a prominent engineer of ArcVera’s solar division with substantial structural and geotechnical design and engineering expertise. She will contribute her wealth of project experience and engineering expertise in her role at the Standards Committee for “ASCE/SEI 7 – Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures” for the 2028 cycle.  As a member, she will help support the development of the future standard and help the industry further evolve. In addition, Jennifer serves on the ASCE Solar PV Structures Committee and the ASCE Design and Construction of Foundations Committee.

“Supporting design guides, codes, and standards is something I truly enjoy. My sincere hope is that our efforts have a positive impact on society,” said Jennifer Carey.

As an organization, ArcVera proudly contributes to the renewable energy industry by being involved in the establishment of key industry standards in various fields, such as resource assessment, energy yield evaluations, and power performance testing.

About ArcVera Renewables

ArcVera Renewables provides finance-grade consulting and technical services for wind, solar and storage projects worldwide. For the last four decades, ArcVera Renewables has been dedicated to delivering next-generation innovation in renewable energy to meet the needs of landowners, project developers, investors, project owners and operators globally. We provide technically sound and accuracy-driven technical services, including prospecting and resource assessment, independent technical and financial engineering, as well as plant optimization, operations and repowering.  For more information, please visit www.ArcVera.com

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