/ News / Engineering Video: What I Wish I Knew Freshman Year

Engineering Video: What I Wish I Knew Freshman Year

Parul Dubey on October 17, 2019 - in News, People, Videos

Kyle Gillis is an engineering student, YouTuber and the co-founder of two active startups. He’s completing his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering at West Virginia University and will graduate in December 2019.

A year after dropping out as a sophomore he returned to continue his education, and also began a YouTube channel educating students on engineering. He went on to co-found a drone STEM kit company called “Iconic EDU,” and later co-founded an environmental intelligence company called Iconic Air. His plans after graduation are to continue growing each of his two businesses, making them sustainable for the long term.

You can reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on LinkedIn.

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