/ News / Sarens improves safety at social housing complex with rooftop railing installation for YMCA Toronto

Sarens improves safety at social housing complex with rooftop railing installation for YMCA Toronto

Parul Dubey on June 28, 2024 - in News, Products

One of the main difficulties of the operation was the proximity to the Toronto Children’s Hospital and the blockage of access to the emergency parking area, so the project had to be carried out in record time and with strict traffic control.

 To install the safety equipment, which was 167 feet high and weighed 1250 pounds, Sarens made use of the LTM 1070 crane, which operates silently and has a maximum load capacity of 70 tons.

 Sarens, world leader in heavy lifting, engineered transport and crane rental, has installed railings and other safety features on the rooftop of a geared income housing complex, greatly improving working conditions and safety for the building’s maintenance staff.

The project has been carried out on behalf of its client YMCA Toronto; a charitable organization that offers a wide range of programs aimed at improving conditions for Canada’s underprivileged citizens. Its services include assistance to immigrants with settlement and language adjustment support for new residents, childcare, as well as free employment and career development services.

The installed material had a weight of 1700 pounds, with a height of 167 feet and a radius of 116 feet. To carry out the operation, Sarens’ engineering team selected the Liebherr LTM 1070 crane, which thanks to its ECO mode and ECO drive system minimizes fuel consumption and noise generation, important for not disturbing neighbors in the area during operations. Thanks to its folding jib, the crane reaches lifting heights of up to 65 meters and has a maximum load capacity of 70 tons.

One of the main points addressed during the execution of the project was the proximity to the Toronto Children’s Hospital, especially the access to the emergency parking lot, which was partially blocked by the working position of the crane. Because of this, permission had to be sought from the hospital’s administration board to carry out the installation. Thus, strict traffic control had to be carried out to allow the vehicles that had to go to the hospital to get through.

To avoid blocking traffic for a long time, the work was carried out in just 8 hours, always respecting the pre-established safety measures. The work speed resulted from the versatility of the LTM 1070 crane, which can carry most of its ballast when moving on public roads for greater agility of movement. It also has a quick coupling system for the ballast, speeding up the setup needed to begin lifting operations.

Mario Carcamo, Project Engineer at Sarens “We have extensive experience in the construction sector in Canada, which allows us to carry out this type of work, which requires the appropriate equipment to be efficient and agile. We are also happy to work with YMCA Toronto, a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the lives of the city’s residents through various initiatives, especially when it comes to improving safety, one of our core values,” says Carcamo.

Sarens has extensive experience in the Canadian construction industry and on similar projects internationally. Among others, Sarens has recently worked on Toronto’s Finch West Station project, installing 30 precast ceiling panels of 3.25 tons each below ground level, and was also able to contribute to the renovation of Union Station, where the team carried out the lifting and subsequent installation of several 9.4-ton iron girders for the flying garden connecting the station’s north and south towers.

About Sarens

Sarens is the global leader and reference in crane rental, heavy lift and engineered transportation services. With state-of-the-art equipment, value engineering, one of the world’s largest inventories of cranes, transporters and special rigging equipment, Sarens offers creative and intelligent solutions to today’s heavy lifting and engineering transport challenges. 

With more than 100 entities in 65 countries operating without borders, Sarens is an ideal partner for small to large-scale projects. Sarens currently employs 5,000 highly qualified professionals who are ready to serve the needs of any client worldwide and in all market sectors. https://www.sarens.com/


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