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Transportation Troubleshooting: Before Buying Buses: Preparing for a Net Zero Fleet

September 5, 2024 - in Articles, Column

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – President John F. Kennedy, Sept. 12, 1962 When President Kennedy famously made this declaration, many detractors scoffed at…

Transportation Troubleshooting: How Drone Technology Is Adding New Perspectives to Transportation

July 31, 2024 - in Articles, Column

The impact unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) are having on society extends far beyond stunning images and cinematography. In transportation, “drones”…

Transportation Troubleshooting: How Close Is U.S. Transition to Zero-Emissions Trucks?

June 4, 2024 - in Articles, Column

After a surge in capital investment and hiring in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the trucking industry has struggled for the last 18 months…

Transportation Troubleshooting: Advancing Transportation Delivery in the Digital Age

May 9, 2024 - in Articles, Column

If consulting engineers and public infrastructure managers took a vote today on whether we should rapidly adopt digital delivery, the tally would be near unanimous in favor. But if we also asked them to define exactly what digital delivery means for their…

Transportation Troubleshooting: The ‘Four C’s’ of High-Speed Rail Build Support for the Long-Term Vision

April 8, 2024 - in Articles, Column

Enhancing passenger rail service can improve the lives of millions of Americans by cutting the time they spend commuting, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and enabling new growth patterns such as transit-oriented development, where…

Transportation Troubleshooting: Let’s Look at Vision Zero for a New Road Safety Mindset

February 1, 2024 - in Articles, Column

I remember when automobile drivers and passengers could legally choose not to wear seat belts. Since the mid-1980s, legislators have taken away that choice in every state except for New Hampshire. But the result—thousands of lives saved and serious…

Transportation Troubleshooting: Coordinated and Adaptive Ramp Metering for Faster, Safer Highways

November 30, 2023 - in Articles, Column

I doubt any driver likes being held back by a traffic signal while trying to enter a highway. But from a regional traffic-management perspective, there’s a lot to like about the potential to use ramp metering to improve traffic flow along congested highway…

Transportation Troubleshooting: How States Are Approaching Electric Vehicles and Highway Maintenance Funding

October 5, 2023 - in Articles, Column

The way roads and highways are funded must change. Motor fuel tax revenues are declining due to the increasing fuel efficiency of vehicles, and this trend will accelerate as plug-in hybrid and fully electric vehicles (EVs) command a greater share of personal…

Transportation Troubleshooting: Seven Essential Best Practices for the Changing Federal Infrastructure Funding Opportunities

September 7, 2023 - in Articles, Column

With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, local and state governments as well as publicly owned utilities have vast opportunities to secure funding for a wide range of infrastructure projects. This law and Biden Administration policies also highlight funding…

Transportation Troubleshooting: How NEVI Will Jumpstart Growth of U.S. Electric Vehicle Charging Networks

August 3, 2023 - in Articles, Column

Everyone in the U.S. transportation industry is excited about NEVI—or they should be. Enacted with the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program commits $5 billion to subsidize electric vehicle…