On Two Wheels: Transportation Professionals Talk About Biking in America
The state and federal officials, academics, and private sector executives in this video all work in transportation. Some focus on emerging technologies, while others are roadway planners, designers, and civil engineers. We caught up with the group as riders prepared to take a tour on two wheels of the bicycle facilities now available to users in San Diego. Organized by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and sponsored by Michael Baker International, the San Diego tour was the latest in a series of visits designed to educate and encourage transportation officials to advocate for biking and pedestrian facilities in their hometowns. To learn more about AASHTO’s commitment to biking and walking, visit active.transportation.org
About Todd Danielson
Todd Danielson has been in trade technology media for more than 20 years, now the editorial director for V1 Media and all of its publications: Informed Infrastructure, Earth Imaging Journal, Sensors & Systems, Asian Surveying & Mapping, and the video news portal GeoSpatial Stream.