/ News / New ASCE Publication Provides Updates on Frost-Action Fundamentals and the Impact of Climate Change

New ASCE Publication Provides Updates on Frost-Action Fundamentals and the Impact of Climate Change

Parul Dubey on March 19, 2020 - in News, Products

Reston, Va. – Climate change raises questions on how freeze-thaw action impacts pavements and other structures in cold regions. In the last 35 years, significant technological advancements addressing frost action in soils have occurred; and tools for instrumentation, measurement, and computer analysis have improved considerably. Frost Action in Soils: Fundamentals and Mitigation in a Changing Climate presents the challenges of cold regions engineering in a changing climate, as well as the current practices and state-of-the-art tools for addressing them.

Organized in three sections, the book explores frost action in soils from different perspectives. The first presents frost heave and thaw weakening fundamentals, the impacts on roads and other structures, and the projected effects of climate change on frost action. Mitigation within pavement structures is presented in part two, with part three highlighting three case studies dealing with frost action and mitigation for buildings, roadways, and airfields. Engineers, scientists, and government agencies involved in cold regions engineering will find this book a valuable resource.

To purchase online visit the ASCE Bookstore

Limited review copies are available for book reviews. Please contact Kevin Higgins, [email protected]; phone 703-295-6266.

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Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 civil engineers worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. ASCE works to raise awareness of the need to maintain and modernize the nation’s infrastructure using sustainable and resilient practices, advocates for increasing and optimizing investment in infrastructure, and seeks to “Raise the Bar” on engineering knowledge and competency.

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