/ Featured / New ASCE Publication Addresses Dynamics of Hydrological Cycle

New ASCE Publication Addresses Dynamics of Hydrological Cycle

Parul Dubey on May 21, 2019 - in Featured, News, Water

Reston, Va. – ASCE’s new book, Statistical Analysis of Hydrologic Variables: Methods and Applications provides a compilation of state-of-the-art statistical methods for analyzing and describing critical variables that are part of the hydrological cycle.

Understanding and describing the variability of hydro-climatological processes and measurements is essential for assessing the performance of water resources infrastructure and its management. Analyzed data provide valuable insights into the dynamics of hydrological processes that represent the hydrological cycle. This knowledge is critical for planning successful and efficient water resources projects, as well as environmental systems management alternatives. This book covers key processes in the hydrological cycle, including

  • Statistical analysis of precipitation extremes,
    • Evapotranspiration and evaporative demand,
    • Infiltration and soil water,
    • Probability distributions in groundwater hydrology,
    • Modeling streamflow variability,
    • Flood frequency analysis and low flows and droughts,
    • Probabilistic models for urban stormwater management,
    • Analysis of water quality random variables,
    • Multivariate frequency distributions in hydrology, and
    • Hydrologic record events.


This valuable resource will assist practicing hydrologists, water resource specialists, researchers, and individuals interested in applications of probabilistic methods in hydrology and water resources.

To purchase online visit the ASCE Bookstore

Limited review copies are available for book reviews. Please contact Kevin Higgins, [email protected]; phone 703-295-6266.

About ASCE

Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 civil engineers worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. ASCE works to raise awareness of the need to maintain and modernize the nation’s infrastructure using sustainable and resilient practices, advocates for increasing and optimizing investment in infrastructure, and seeks to “Raise the Bar” on engineering knowledge and competency

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