NARUC Welcomes FERC Senate Confirmations and Quorum
WASHINGTON—The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners welcomes the Senate’s confirmation of Robert F. Powelson and Neil Chatterjee as commissioners to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The confirmations return FERC’s quorum and will allow movement on important regulatory energy issues that had been stymied for months.
“This is certainly positive news for our members, as there are several matters that can be addressed now that we will have a quorum at FERC,” said NARUC Executive Director Greg White.
Powelson, a member of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and current NARUC president, will be succeeded by First Vice President John Betkoski of Connecticut upon Powelson’s departure from the PUC. Betkoski will be formally installed at NARUC’s November Annual Meeting in Baltimore.
“President Powelson has served the members of this association well,” said Betkoski. “We wish him the best and look forward to working with FERC to ensure that, collectively, we are all serving the public interest.”
Key issues such as changes to the wholesale markets, maintaining electric reliability and reforms related to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act are some of the topics at FERC being closely monitored by state regulators. NARUC will continue to follow these matters and other issues that affect its members.