/ Category / management

Executive Corner: Is the Future of Your Firm in the Hands of Millennials?

August 8, 2017 - in Articles, Column

One of the largest ownership transition issues A/E firm owners currently face is the same one they faced years ago: finding a way to influence younger employees and warm them to the idea of equity ownership. Luckily, there’s now much more robust qualitative…

Executive Corner: Is the End Near for Traditional Management/Ownership Structures?

August 1, 2016 - in Column

There’s no doubt about it; attitudes regarding ownership, particularly among younger generations, are changing. Why own a car when, with the touch of…

Executive Corner: Managing by the Numbers

February 14, 2015 - in Column

Although the pages of this magazine are largely devoted to the technical aspects of design and construction, this column will focus on the challenges…