/ Awards / Houses That Are One With the Environment

Houses That Are One With the Environment

Parul Dubey on March 20, 2017 - in Awards, Buildings

Green Builder Media releases the 2016 Green Home of the Year Award winners. These green gems will further the goal of carbon neutral building, making housing a leader in saving the planet.

This year’s Green Home of the Year award winners aren’t just projects that honor sustainability. Some of them are literally one with the environment. Our expert panel of judges evaluated projects in terms of overall sustainability, resilience, synergy with the environment and surrounding neighborhood, affordability, creativity and the depth of building science employed. Here are the ones that stood head and shoulders above the others:

Grand Overall Winner

Montana Ranch Residence, Gallatin Gateway, Montana

Builder: Rob Evans, Constructive Solutions Inc.,
Architect: Mike Wiseman, Constructive Solutions Inc.,
Photos: Mike Wiseman

From the Judges:

“I love this project –– the integration into the landscape, the use of natural materials, the design to withstand the weather of the Gallatin Gateway area. Well done!”


Mainstream Green Winner

Oak Park Right Sized Home, Oak Park, IL

Builder: Brandon Weiss, Evolutionary Home Builders 
Architect: Tom Bassett-Dilly, Tom Bassett Dilley Architect (TBDA)
Landscape Architect: Matt Fordham, Environments Studio
Interior Designer: Shawna George
Photos: Eric Hausman

From the Judges:

“Simple; functional; very well thought out. [This is a] strong project to share broadly as renovation becomes more prevalent.”


Best Alternative Structure

Hale/Carpenter Residence, Vancouver, Wash.

Builder: Thomas McKone, Corner Stone Construction Inc.
Architect: Douglas Ewing, Ewing Architects Inc.,
Photos: Jordan Sleeth, Jordan Sleeth Photography

From the Judges:

“They made efforts in all areas of design and construction to support an energy-efficient project.”



Best Demonstration Home

Home of Innovation Demonstration House, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Innovation Consultant: IBACOS,
Builder: Joannou & Paraskevaides, Ltd.,
Architect/Designer: Zuhair Fayez Partnership,
Interior Designer: theOtherDada,
Photos: SABIC

From the Judges:

“Great integration of many complex systems. Loved the positive-pressurized house during sandstorm!”


Best Urban Infill Project

SolHaus, Seattle, Wash.

Builder/Developer: Sloan Ritchie, Cascade Built 
Architect/Designer: Bradley Khouri, b9 architects
Landscape Architect: Devin Peterson, Root of Design
Interior Designer: Belinda Leppa, Macadam Floor and Design
Photos: William Wright

From the Judges:

“Great community-based sustainability…need more of this!”

Best College Sustainability Project

rEvolve House, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, Calif.

Developer: Santa Clara University Engineering School
Builder: Santa Clara University Undergraduate Students
Architect/Designer: Samantha Morehead
Interior Designer: Samantha Morehead
Photos: Joanne Lee, James LeClercq

From the Judges:

“This is a great case study in small, efficient building systems.”

Best Energy Efficiency

Madrona Passive House, Seattle, Wash.

Builder: Hammer & Hand
Architect/Designer: Shed Architecture & Design
Photos: Mark Woods

From the Judges:

“Hits almost all sustainability notes. Contemporary, yet understated.”



Best Resilient Design

Sunset Green Home, East Quoque, N.Y.

Architect: Bill Heine, William F. Heine Architect
Builder: Chris Mensch, Coastal Management, LLC
Landscape Designer: Tim Rumph, Araiys Design
Sustainability Team Leader: Kim Erle, LEED AP Homes, Sunset Green Home LLC
LEED Green Rater: Richard Manning (Energy Master LI)
LEED Provider: Ian Johnson (Signature Sustainability)
Photos: Photos courtesy Sunset Green Home LLC

From the Judges
“A good example of how to build on the coast to deal with storm surges.”

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